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What is React Js?

What is React Js?

React.js is an open source JavaScript library developed by Facebook in 2011. It is also known as an interface library used for web applications. React offers an approach that makes it easy to design and manage an application’s user interface in modular components. This increases the performance of the application and makes the code easier to manage.
React uses a feature called JSX to write JavaScript code in an HTML-like syntax. JSX allows you to use HTML elements within JavaScript expressions. This improves the readability and writability of the code. Writing JSX in React is not mandatory. But many developers find JSX useful for React when working on their Javascript code.
The core principle of React is components. A component is a structure with a state and props of its own and a self-consistent interface. Components can also be used inside other components, reducing code duplication and achieving a modular structure.
React is not just an interface library. It is also used to develop more comprehensive web applications, used with Redux, React Router, Next.js, and many other tools. Redux helps manage application state. React Router is the core package that contains standard components and functions to implement routing. Next.js is a flexible React (framework) framework that provides the building blocks for building fast web applications.

Another feature of React is that it allows us to develop mobile applications using Javascript codes thanks to React Native. The purpose of developers using React Native to write mobile applications is that it is easy to understand and provides high performance because it works separately from the main UI thread.
React is used for the interface of many popular web applications. Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Uber, Twitch and many other platforms use React.
All in all, React.js is an interface library that many developers love. Thanks to its component-based structure and modular approach, it makes the application development process easier and more manageable. Also, having a strong community ensures that many resources and tools are available throughout the development process.


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