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What is Digital Twin Technology?

What is Digital Twin Technology?

Digital twin is an electronic copy of a physical entity like object, process, or person. Digital twins are the virtual models of physical world and developed our ability to understand the changes around us, learning and reasoning. Digital twins are the foundation for intelligent applications that continuously collect sensor data to optimize performance, predict errors and simulate future scenarios.

Component of Digital Twins

IOT, machine learning, AI and big data make the digital twins possible. Digital twin does not always have to be the three-dimensional copy of object. There are four basic components of digital twin technology.

–          Model of a physical object

–          Time Series

–          Unique Identifier

–          Monitoring capability


Digital Twins Types

Digital twins can be classified in three different types according to what they copied.

–          Discrete digital twins

Virtual copies of equipment, persons, or tasks to help monitor and optimize the performance of individual entities, people, and other physical resources.

–          Composite digital twins

Helps to monitor and optimize the use digital twins which are related but different from each other in other words a combination. For example, the virtual models of multi part systems such as cars and industrial machines.

–          Digital Twins of Organizations (DTO)

DTOs are virtual models consisting of digital twins of parts that make up a complex and large structure. They help monitor and optimize business performance.


Usage Areas of Digital Twin Technology

–          Manufacturing

It helps to optimize the production output, decrease the maintenance costs, real time analyzing of processing by using digital twins of machines.

–          Automobile

It collects operational and behavioral data of vehicles by using physical similar in order to help to analyze the vehicle performance and improve it.

–          Construction

Digital twins of the buildings collect real-time data about the building with the help of sensors and other wireless technologies. They help reduce maintenance costs as well as improving the design and quality of projects.

–          Aerospace and Defense

Digital twins use to develop and improve the performance of products. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), use the digital twins to operate, maintain and repair the systems used in space. The US military uses digital twins to verify the integrity of the chips and semiconductors used in their weapons.

–          Sports

The virtual representative of sportsmen created by using sensors and analysis. It helps to simulate the game situations to identify possible injuries and improve performance. Also, Formula 1 racing teams use digital twins to identify details and adjustments that can improve the performance of the cars.

–          Healthcare

The digital twin of a patient or organ allows doctors to perform procedures in a virtual environment. In the healthcare industry, digital twins are used to conduct clinical trials virtually before new drugs and vaccines are launched.

Benefits of Digital Twins Technology

–          Product quality reduces the problems

–          Decrease the maintenance costs

–          Improve the education of employee

–          Increase the efficiency and productivity




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