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What is Deep Learning?

What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is a machine learning technique that use algorithms and big data to create outputs and give answers without interference of a human. Deep learning algorithms continuously analyses the data in particular logical structure and try to obtain similar results as human will. Deep learning uses multilayer algorithm structure called as neural networks to succeed this. The brain structure of human was taken as an example when designing neural network. Just like we use our brains, neural networks can also be taught to perform the same tasks on data when identifying patterns and classifying different types of information.

A human must interfere when an artificial intelligence algorithm gives wrong answer. In deep learning model, algorithm can decide whether the answer is wrong or right by using its own neural network. The more data deep learning systems work with, the higher their accuracy. When artificial neural networks perform the data, it uses very complex mathematical calculations. It classifies the data by taking the answers from a series of binary (true or false) questions. Deep learning systems requires powerful software. Because, it has huge amount of data processing and contains several complex mathematical calculations.

Neural networks allow us to perform many tasks, such as clustering or classification. We can group or sorting the unlabeled data according to the similarities between the examples in this data with neural networks. Because of the artificial neural network, deep learning successfully solves the tasks that the machine learning models will never accomplish. The innovations that have emerged in the field of artificial intelligence in recent years is related to deep learning. Deep learning applications are used in many fields, from automated driving to medical research. Some of them are:

  • Automated Driving: Deep learning models are used to prepare autonomous vehicles for millions of scenarios they may encounter on the road every day. Autonomous cars which are in test phase can detect the obstacles because of the neural networks. Autonomous vehicles can identify the traffic lights. Therefore, they can decide when to pass or when to stop.
  • Aviation and Defense: Deep learning is used to determine whether a particular area is safe for military units by using satellites.
  • Medical Research: Deep learning applications are used in medical tests. They design treatment plan and early detect of cancer types.
  • Industrial Automation: Deep learning can increase the safety of workers. They can automatically detect that people or objects are located at an unsafe distance from machines.

    Deep learning is still in its early stages and will change life and society in the coming years.


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