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What is DSRC?

What is DSRC?

DSRC stands for Dedicated Short Range Communication is a communication technology. It is an IEEE 802.11p-based wireless communication technology that provides extremely secure and high-speed direct communication. It does not require any cellular infrastructure in short distance communications.

IEEE 802.11p is an amendment which added to IEEE 802.11 standard. IEEE 802.11p standard defines to support developments towards intelligent transportation applications. DSRC communication technology developed to use in intelligent transportation systems.

Intelligent transportation systems consist many different applications that used to reduce traffic jam, manage the traffic in maximum performance, to minimize the damage caused by traffic to the environment and increasing the benefits of transportation to people

DSRC is used in V2X applications in intelligent transportation systems. V2X stands for vehicle-to-everything which means vehicles communicate with everything. V2X transfer the data from a vehicle to any organization, device or other vehicles that may affect the vehicle. This communication may also happen in opposite way.

DSRC can be used for 2 components of V2X. These are V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle) and V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure). DSRC can provide high-speed communication even when there are obstacles and is optimized for working in bad weather conditions.

DSRC provides a highly secure communication network in V2X technology. The receiving vehicle verifies authenticity of received messages and messages does not connect to the vehicle. Driver’s privacy is protected with this feature. Each vehicle securely and anonymously broadcasts its location, direction, and Speed 10 times per second. It receives the message of all the vehicles around. Therefore, it calculates the risks that caused by each receiver vehicle. This allows to detect, determinate and evaluate dangerous situations even without vehicles being visually noticed.

Directly and low delay information exchange that performed between DSRC, vehicles and infrastructure in 5,9 GHz band. In 2004, FCC – Federal Communications Commission reserved a bandwidth of 75 MHz in 5,9 GHz band in order to use DSRC communication technology.

General motors was the first automobile manufacturer to use DSRC-based vehicle-vehicle (V2V) communication in the USA in 2017 with Cadillac CTS model. At the same time world’s leading car manufacturers Honda and Toyota are also working using DSRC technology.


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