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What is Radio Data System?

What is Radio Data System?

Radio Data System (RDS) is now a standard hardware in most of the car radios and hi-fi tuner. RDS used in VHF an FM radio broadcast messages. It provides many useful chances for all radio listeners especially for radio listeners in vehicles. Traffic reports can be obtained easily by RDS. Also, RDS allow us to see the radio station name on the radio screen.

This system gained popularity significantly and commonly used in Europe since last few years.

Upgrading Radio Data System

The upgrading of the Radio Data System mainly took place in Europe, where it was first launched and implemented.

First upgrade took place in Germany. A system has been developed to embed traffic information into FM broadcasts using a 57 kHz subcarrier.

This experiment upgrade discussed by European Broadcast Union (EBU) in 1974. They recommend carrying other information beside traffic information. It also allows a receiver to be automatically readjusted when it is out of range of a transmitter. It enables us to have programme info and so on.

Besides the experience gained from the original scheme, using a modulation format from Swedish paging system, basic band coding from British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC and Ireland radio IRT, the first RDS specification released in 1984.

The standard was later developed in 1991 with features that included alternative frequencies functionality and was published under the auspices of the European Electrotechnical Standardization Committee CENELEC.

The U.S. National Committee on Radio Systems released its version, known as the radio broadcast data system, RBDS, in 1992.

CENELEC standard updated in 1992 by adding Traffic Message Channel and in 1998 by Open Data Applications. Also, in 2000, RDS was published worldwide as IEC standard 62106.


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