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What Is TCP/IP?

What Is TCP/IP?

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is a communication model to connect the network devices to each other and communicate via internet.

The data divided into small package in TCP/IP communication model. The data divided into small package is sent separately over many different routes simultaneously. Those data have been sent, combined at receiver leads. This model has packet switching network. TCP forms the first part of this structure. It collects the data packages and combines them. Other structure which is IP is responsible for ensuring that packets are sent to the correct destination.     

Layers of the TCP / IP Model

Data Link Layer: This layer defines how data should be sent. It manages the physical data sending and receiving processes. It is responsible for data transfer between devices, or the application located in same network. At the same time, it provides data link layer diagnostic check. It also performs data framing where it adds some header information to the data packets so that the data packets are delivered to the destinations correctly and successfully. In order to do this, it performs the physical addressing of data packets by adding the source and destination address to itself.

İnternet Layer: Internet layer in TCP/IP communication model performs the data transfer between source and target computer. This layer accepts the data coming from transfer layer and transmit the data to network interface layer. Brief tasks of this layer:

– Directing data to the right target.

– If there are more than one route, it will send the existing data in shortest way. In addition to that, if there is a problem with a route to which a datagram is to be sent, the datagram is sent in a different way, which is an alternative.

– Identifying errors and fragmentation and reassembly are among the tasks of this layer.

Different protocols are performing in this layer. Some of them are IP (internet protocol), ICMP (internet control message protocol), IGMP (internet group management protocol).

Transfer Layer: This layer is responsible to make solid and reliable connection between original application or device and destination in the intended information exchange. The data divided into packages and do numbering to form a data array. After that, it is determined that how much data is going to be sent and where and at what rate in this layer. It ensures that data packets are sent without error and sequentially. Receives confirmation that the target device has received data packets.

Application Layer: Application layer refers to the entire program that needs TCP / IP to help them communicate with each other. This layer contains all application protocols which use network device to network device transfer protocols to submit data. This is the level at which users often interact, such as email systems and messaging platforms.


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