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What Is V2X Communication?

What Is V2X Communication?

With vehicle operating systems covering everything from information and entertainment systems to autonomous driving, vehicles are becoming smarter and less dependent on human intervention than ever. Car manufacturers have introduced safer, more environmentally friendly and more efficient journeys thanks to sensors, while automakers, technology companies and communications providers have a whole new market to compete in.

V2X which stands for vehicle to everything,  is a pioneer phenomenon for communication system of vehicles which forms the road to fully autonomous driving. It is the case that information from sensors and other sources travels through high bandwidth, low latency, high reliability connections.

V2X has several components, including vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P) and vehicle-to-network (V2N) communication. In this versatile ecosystem, cars will be able to talk to other cars, infrastructures like traffic lights or parking spaces, pedestrians using smartphones and data centers via cellular networks.

As with all new technology areas, there are rival standards for the V2X too.

IEEE 802.11p

The original V2X standard is based on the foundation of IEEE 802.11p, a Wi-Fi branch operating in the unlicensed 5.9GHz frequency band. Completed in 2012, IEEE 802.11p forms the basis of the ITS-G5 in the U.S. Private Short Range Communication (DSRC) and European Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) initiative.

V2X communication via 802.11p goes beyond the limited line of sight sensors such as cameras, radar and LIDAR and covers V2V and V2I use cases such as collision alerts, speed limit alerts and electronic parking, paid payments.

Features of 802.11p include short range below 1 km, low latency of 2ms and high reliability. Essentially, 802.11p enhances the ability of a vehicle to see the surrounding environment, even in adverse weather conditions.

Cellular V2X (C-V2X)

A promising alternative to IEEE 802.11p is the C-V2X or Cellular V2X, whose main supporters are the 5G Automotive Association and chip maker Qualcomm. An important advantage of the C-V2X is that it has two modes of operation, including most possibilities. The first is low-latency C-V2X direct communication over the PC5 interface in the unlicensed 5.9 GHz band. It is designed for emergency road hazard warnings and other effective safety messages such as short-range V2V, V2I, and V2P States. This mode also aligns with those using built-in IEEE 802.11p technology, which uses the 5.9GHz band.

For V2X, After 2020

The V2X standards discussion is in full flow around the world and can be effective in the long run. In addition to safer autonomous driving, the V2X will also offer serious business opportunities for those who consider it. According to the latest (March 2019) research from the market intelligence company SNS Telecom & IT, it predicts that V2X will create a market worth $ 1.2 Billion with a base of about 6 Million V2X equipped vehicles worldwide.


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